Tips For Dividing A Business During A Divorce


Dividing assets in some divorces can be fairly easy, but there are other times when this task can be extremely complicated. If you are getting divorced and are trying to determine how to split up the business you and your spouse own, you might run into some challenges. When a couple owns a business and divorces, each spouse is usually entitled to 50% of the business. Here are some tips to help you get a fair division of a business you own with your spouse when getting divorced.

31 August 2015

5 Reasons Parents Should Seek Temporary Orders Until A Divorced Is Finalized


Divorce proceedings can be a messy time for families as changes come and everyone is uprooted from the typical routine. Instead of having chaotic changes among you and your children, you can start organizing now before the divorce is even finalized. By working with a divorce attorney, you have the ability to set up a temporary order agreement. Through this agreement, everything can be arranged for both parties until permanent decisions are made through the divorce case.

19 August 2015